Saturday, October 27

Bottle it up

It’s rare to find a person, who you can completely be yourself around. I never feel like I have to be anyone else but ME with you. Because of who you are, because of your kind spirit, your understanding, your clever wit, your mind, and your soft stubborn heart that cares too much and hurts too easily. It’s the way we can talk about anything and everything, how we go on flights of imagination, how we laugh together, console each other, how we share, discuss and support, and yes, even how we fight. I'm the type to look for answers and explanations and the only conclusion here is - you're simply beautiful - inside and out. Yes, you've probably heard it before, and its something that's most likely been said before by other people, but when I think of the depth of gratitude I have, for you being in my life, a corny cliché like that basically sums it up. So I'll use it and I mean it. And I'll say it and I'll show it - to you when you doubt it, to the world so that they can see it.
God's blessed me with many things, and the gift that is you still remains to be my favourite thing. I recognise you for exactly what you are - you're an angel.

If I could bottle up "us", how we are, how we've always been, I would. So I could keep it, and never lose it

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