Saturday, October 27

Brave Heart

Any heart can give itself to a person willingly, naively.
Any heart can take bullshit and have mind defend and sugar coat.
Any heart can let ego endure pain and bring spirit to tears.
Any heart can let soul succumb to the agony of self doubt and swim in a series of inadequacies.
Any heart can break into a million pieces, and have those pieces break even more.
Any heart can let anger turn you bitter, until you cross over to pretend indifference.
Any heart can think this must be love.
And to many hearts it is; it's what they know. What they can identify with; what's acceptable.
But it will never be enough.

It takes a brave heart to love love.
Love in its truest, purest form.
Not an imitation of, but the real thing.
Without ego, without self preservation, without games.
Love, where there's no room for self doubts and insecurities because you know your worth, and so does love.
Love, where your effort is met with effort.
Love, where you grow with love, and love grows with you.
Love, where mind is honest and knows it has work to do, but will willingly do it.
Love, that is far from perfect, but is right for you.

Any heart will know extreme pain, the likes of which it thinks it'll never recover from. But a brave heart will take the lessons learnt, recognise the difference, risk everything and give itself to love... Completely.

When I love...

When I love,
I love madly with all of my big head,
When I love,
I love undeniably, with my whole being,
When I love,
I love passionately with every one of my five senses,
When I love,
I love regardless, appreciating the highs and despite the lows
When I love,
I love patiently, through many states of emotion, and phases of ego
When I love,
I love deeply, with eyes that don’t see because they see
When I love,
I love unconditionally, a gift from my soul
When I love,
I love silly, it spills in abundance from my smiling heart
When I love,
It’s forever… Every lifetime, the same as before

Bottle it up

It’s rare to find a person, who you can completely be yourself around. I never feel like I have to be anyone else but ME with you. Because of who you are, because of your kind spirit, your understanding, your clever wit, your mind, and your soft stubborn heart that cares too much and hurts too easily. It’s the way we can talk about anything and everything, how we go on flights of imagination, how we laugh together, console each other, how we share, discuss and support, and yes, even how we fight. I'm the type to look for answers and explanations and the only conclusion here is - you're simply beautiful - inside and out. Yes, you've probably heard it before, and its something that's most likely been said before by other people, but when I think of the depth of gratitude I have, for you being in my life, a corny cliché like that basically sums it up. So I'll use it and I mean it. And I'll say it and I'll show it - to you when you doubt it, to the world so that they can see it.
God's blessed me with many things, and the gift that is you still remains to be my favourite thing. I recognise you for exactly what you are - you're an angel.

If I could bottle up "us", how we are, how we've always been, I would. So I could keep it, and never lose it

Cipher Sphere

The smiling mask slips and the tear stained face is revealed...
Another day of pretence comes to an end. If I die tonight, will anyone miss me tomorrow?...
Stripped of all feeling, drowning in a never ending pool of nothing...
I fight - Why do I fight? What do I fight for?...
Always searching for answers, wanting different, needing more...
It's hard some days to find meaning; purpose constantly eludes...
Looking for clues, but there's too many questions, and a lack of acceptance...
Screaming inside, coz I know I'm destined for more.
Confusion, depression, suppression, gotta find some inspiration...
There has to be a way to fill the void, somewhere out there, there's a dream to believe in...
Surely there's more to life than this empty existence