Thursday, August 13

dreaming of me; dreaming of life; dreaming of you...

I dream in swirls of pink and purple – it inspires me.
I dream in hues of blue and green – it soothes me.
I dream in shades of red and orange – it completely takes over me.
I dream; and as I dream I am surrounded by this kaleidoscope of colour.
And it is at this time, that I feel the most alive.

Sunday, August 9

Dazed & confused - the good life

Confusion sets in. Wait, I thought I had all the answers. Or at least I thought I had a clue where I was headed, and what it was I wanted. But that path doesn’t seem so right for me anymore. Not now when my mind is open to all these new possibilities, new places, new faces, new opportunities… I still don’t know what this life has in store for me, but one thing I do know, is that right now - I’m loving every minute of finding out.