Wednesday, February 3

In my hands v.2

Your face illuminated by the moonlight.
The way your eyes sparkle when you speak of your hopes and dreams
The soft sigh that escapes your lips when you think of your most cherished of memories.
The tears that brush your cheeks when you share your past sadness.
The feel of your skin against mine.
Sweet words whispered in the darkness.
My one and only.
My soul's secret desire.
My happy ever after.
These are things beyond my grasp.
Your heart is the one thing I can never hold in my hands

In my hands v.1

I treasure my memories
I gather my dreams
I offer my heart
I keep my vision
I hold my ideals
In my hands, you'll find my all

Monday, February 1

Am I there yet?

Twisting, turning, breaking away. Trying to figure out what's right or wrong for me. Searching for things that can't be seen. I can feel the changes, I'm evolving, becoming who I need to be... Still my mind knows naught of the answers it seeks. Because even though in my dreams, the vision is so clear, in reality all that I think is something is nothing at all. But one day I know it'll be everything, and then I'll have finally found my home.